The expansion of the internet has generated a need for more data centers. Data centers are not able to be built overnight, so it is common for companies to rent space in order to house their servers temporarily.
With so many different companies all vying for the same space, they may find themselves without an adequate location or with an inadequate one if they wait too long.
The risks of not being able to meet this demand can be huge- one missed opportunity could cost an organization millions in lost revenue.
This article will outline some of the risks associated with data center relocation and give you insight into how you can avoid them by making smart decisions now.
What is Data Center Relocation?
When it comes to data centers, there are multiple ways in which you can move the equipment around.
Data center relocation is one of them. It’s not a new term, but many people don’t know what exactly it means or have heard about it without actually knowing what happens when you relocate your data center.
Data center relocation is a process where an organization decides to move its data servers from one physical location to another. Data centers are the locations that house all of your company’s IT equipment, including servers, routers, switches, and storage.
Although moving these components may seem daunting for some organizations, it can be beneficial in many situations.
For example, if there has been an increase in demand for the product or service you’re offering, then relocating your data center will allow you to accommodate more customers by having additional space for servers and other hardware.
In such cases, your company’s data center is very crucial. Data centers are often categorized into two types: colocation and managed data center.
Colocation data centers provide end-users with the space to house their servers, but they do not offer any IT support or connectivity services, meaning that it’s up to you to find your providers.
On the other hand, managed data center companies provide these services in addition to providing space for your infrastructure equipment, taking care of all aspects of managing your infrastructure, including power supply, cooling systems, security measures, etc., which means that you don’t have anything else to worry about during this time.
Data Center Relocation Risks
In today’s world, data centers are a necessity. They provide the central hub for all of our internet activity, and in turn, they serve as an entry point to everything we do on the web. The issue with this is that there is always some risk involved when it comes time to relocate data centers.
Here are some of them:
Unwanted Downtime
A data center relocation is often an expensive and time-consuming endeavor, but what do you do when the downtime starts before you even get to move? You may be wondering how this can happen.
Data centers are typically moved with a lot of preparation beforehand; it’s not like they’re just taken down overnight. But in some cases, there are unforeseen circumstances that lead to unexpected downtime during the relocation process.
Downtime is an expensive and difficult process that companies try to avoid at all costs. However, downtime can occur during any sort of transition, even if it’s just moving your data center from one room to another.
Data Loss
Whether you are moving your data center to a new location or simply changing where the servers are located, there is always the risk of data loss. This is because of the physical location of the servers and associated equipment change.
While this may seem like a small issue, it can have serious consequences for many companies that rely heavily on technology to conduct business transactions. The loss of valuable information in these situations could potentially put an organization out of business.
The best way to protect your business data is by backing it up. You can take multiple steps to prevent data loss, but one of the most important things you need to do is create a backup plan for when you are moving your IT equipment.
Added Latency
Every day, data centers around the world are being relocated or expanded. The reasons for this may vary from a change in demand to an impending natural disaster, but what does it mean when your data center is moved? If you’ve ever had to relocate your data center in the past, you know that one of the biggest challenges is managing latency.
The added latency during data center relocation is a common problem faced by companies that are looking to move their entire infrastructure. Latency is defined as the time it takes for packets to be transmitted between two points on a network, so when you add in this new factor, things get complicated quickly.
In other words, the time delay in a signal from one point to another. When it comes to data centers, latency is the amount of time it takes for information or messages to get from your computer or mobile device and back. This is important because when you’re using an online service such as Google Docs, any added latency can result in a sluggish experience.
Wasted Costs
A data center relocation can be a huge undertaking for any company. However, it is important to remember that there are many costs associated with the project, as well as the potential loss of productivity and revenue during the move.
The cost of data center relocation is a lot more than people realize. The average business wastes about $2,000 per day during the process, and that doesn’t even account for all the downtime caused by short-term disruption to IT operations and staff productivity.
These expenses can quickly add up to millions of dollars in wasted expense if not managed properly. With this, it is important that you create a detailed plan before beginning your relocation project in order to minimize wasted costs and maximize savings opportunities.
The security risks that you need to be aware of when moving your data center is the second most important consideration after the budget. There are many different options for securing your data during a relocation, but they all have their own drawbacks and benefits.
Data centers often have sensitive information stored on computers, so it’s important to minimize any risk of this information being stolen or lost during the process. If you’re not careful, you risk exposing sensitive information and compromising your organization’s IT infrastructure.
If you don’t have an experienced team on board that can help protect against digital theft or cyber attacks, then you’re putting everyone at risk. You want someone who understands the importance of being proactive in order to avoid any issues down the line.
Why Choose Tech Dynamic for Your Data Center Relocation Needs?
The data center relocation process can be complicated and overwhelming. However, with the right company on your side, you can rest assured that everything will go smoothly and according to plan.
Tech Dynamic provides a complete end to end IT asset relocation service. Customers only need to deal with us during the entire relocation process. We have been helping companies relocate their IT equipment for years and is fully equipped with the knowledge, expertise, and tools necessary for a seamless transition. If you’re looking for an experienced team of experts who are committed to delivering quality results at competitive rates, look no further than Tech Dynamic!